What is Your Greatest Weakness?

man with sad expression

You really need a job and the interview is going well.  Then, all of a sudden, you are hit with this question, “What is your greatest weakness?”  Many newcomers to Canada answer, “My English.”

After that, the interviewer will expect you to explain what you are doing to improve your English. You could say you watch English TV or you practice with an app on your phone.  However, the most impressive response you can give is, “I’m taking private tutoring.”

Then, give a few details about what you are improving. For example,  “As a result of tutoring, I am getting better at understanding English speakers and speaking with confidence. Also, I’m making fewer mistakes in my writing.”

If your interviewer expresses concerns about how your English might affect your job performance, describe the communication barriers you have already overcome with tutoring.  “Before I took tutoring, I didn’t know I spoke too fast and mispronounced important words.  Now I remind myself to slow down.  Also, in every class, my tutor and I have been gradually working on my pronunciation. My commitment to tutoring carries over to all areas of my life where I need improvement.”  [At this point, you have turned your weakness into a plus.]

When you can demonstrate concrete steps you are taking to improve yourself, “What is your greatest weakness?” is no longer an uncomfortable question.

Barb De Wit

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